Neda Ratanawongsa, MD, MPH
Dr. Ratanawongsa received her undergraduate and medical degrees at Harvard, then came to UCSF for residency and chief residency in internal medicine. She completed a Masters in Public Health and General Internal Medicine Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University and joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center as an Assistant Professor and Assistant Residency Program Director. She joined the UCSF Division of General Internal Medicine and UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations in 2008.
Honors and Awards
- Milton W. Hamolsky Junior Faculty Award, Society of General Internal Medicine, 2008
Asha S. Choudhury, Anupama G. Cemballi, Delphine S. Tuot, George Su, Triveni DeFries, Shobha Sadasivaiah, Neda Ratanawongsa, Courtney R. Lyles. Intensive Remote Onboarding to Improve Digital Health Access Among Safety-Net Patients During a Pandemic: An Implementation Study. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health 2025. PMID:
Arvisais-Anhalt S, Ravi A, Weia B, Aarts J, Ahmad HB, Araj E, Bauml JA, Benham-Hutchins M, Boyd AD, Brecht-Doscher A, Butler-Henderson K, Butte A, Cardillo AB, Chilukuri N, Cho MK, Cohen JK, Craven CK, Crusco SJ, Dadabhoy F, Dash D, DeBolt C, Elkin PL, Fayanju OA, Fochtmann L, Graham JV, Hanna J, Hersh W, Hoffard MR, Hron J, Huang SS, Jackson BR, Kaplan B, Kelly W, Ko K, Koppel R, Kurapati N, Labbad G, Lee J, Lehmann CU, Leitner S, Liao ZC, Medford RJ, Melnick ER, Muniyappa AN, Murray S, Neinstein A, Nichols-Johnson V, Novak L, Ogan WS, Ozeran L, Pageler N, Pandita D, Perumbeti A, Petersen C, Pierce L, Puttagunta R, Ramaswamy P, Rogers KM, Rosenbloom T, Ryan A, Saleh S, Sarabu C, Schreiber R, Shaw KA, Sim I, Sirintrapun SJ, Solomonides A, Spector JD, Starren JB, Stoffel M, Subbian V, Swanson K, Tomes A, Trang K, Unertl KM, Weon JL, Whooley M, Wiley K, Williamson DF, Winkelstein P, Wong J, Xie J, Yarahuan JKW, Yung N, Zera C, Ratanawongsa N, Sadasivaiah S. Paging the Clinical Informatics Community: Respond STAT to Dobbs v Jackson's Women's Health Organization. Applied clinical informatics 2022. PMID: 36535703
Arvisais-Anhalt S, Ratanawongsa N, Sadasivaiah S. Laboratory Results Release to Patients under the 21st Century Cures Act: The Eight Stakeholders Who Should Care. Applied clinical informatics 2022. PMID: 36452981
Sadasivaiah S, Shaffer E, Enanoria W, Su G, Goldman S, Scarafia J, Lee T, Yu A, Goldman LE, Ratanawongsa N. Informatics response to address the COVID-19 pandemic in a safety net healthcare system. JAMIA Open 2021. PMID: 34504999
Neda Ratanawongsa, Benyam Hailu, Dean Schillinger. Health Communication as a Mediator of Health and Healthcare Disparities. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2021. PMID:
Casillas A, Cemballi AG, Abhat A, Lemberg M, Portz JD, Sadasivaiah S, Ratanawongsa N, Semere W, Brown A, Lyles CR. An Untapped Potential in Primary Care: Semi-Structured Interviews with Clinicians on How Patient Portals Will Work for Caregivers in the Safety Net. Journal of medical Internet research 2020. PMID: 32706709
Fontil V, Khoong EC, Hoskote M, Radcliffe K, Ratanawongsa N, Lyles CR, Sarkar U. Evaluation of a Health Information Technology-Enabled Collective Intelligence Platform to Improve Diagnosis in Primary Care and Urgent Care Settings: Protocol for a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols 2019. PMID: 31389337
Khoong EC, Cherian R, Matta GY, Lyles CR, Schillinger D, Ratanawongsa N. Perspectives of English, Chinese, and Spanish-Speaking Safety-Net Patients on Clinician Computer Use: Qualitative Analysis. Journal of medical Internet research 2019. PMID: 31120020
Sadasivaiah S, Lyles CR, Kiyoi S, Wong P, Ratanawongsa N. Disparities in Patient-Reported Interest in Web-Based Patient Portals: Survey at an Urban Academic Safety-Net Hospital. Journal of medical Internet research 2019. PMID: 30912747
Lyles CR, Tieu L, Sarkar U, Kiyoi S, Sadasivaiah S, Hoskote M, Ratanawongsa N, Schillinger D. A Randomized Trial to Train Vulnerable Primary Care Patients to Use a Patient Portal. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2019. PMID: 30850461
Fontil V, Radcliffe K, Lyson HC, Ratanawongsa N, Lyles C, Tuot D, Yuen K, Sarkar U. Testing and improving the acceptability of a web-based platform for collective intelligence to improve diagnostic accuracy in primary care clinics. JAMIA Open 2019. PMID: 31984344
Valy Fontil, Elaine Khoong, Mekhala Hoskote, Kate Radcliffe, Neda Ratanawongsa, Courtney Rees Lyles, Urmimala Sarkar. Evaluation of an health-IT-enabled collective intelligence platform to improve diagnosis in primary care and urgent care settings: Study Design (Preprint). 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2018. PMID:
Ratanawongsa N, Cardenas A, Occeña B, Critchfield J, Mercer M, Myers K. Certified Medical Interpreters' Perspectives on Relationship-Centered Communication in Safety-Net Care. MedEdPublish (2016) 2018. PMID: 38074532
Matta GY, Khoong EC, Lyles CR, Schillinger D, Ratanawongsa N. Finding Meaning in Medication Reconciliation Using Electronic Health Records: Qualitative Analysis in Safety Net Primary and Specialty Care. JMIR medical informatics 2018. PMID: 29735477
Ratanawongsa N, Quan J, Handley MA, Sarkar U, Schillinger D. Language-concordant automated telephone queries to assess medication adherence in a diverse population: a cross-sectional analysis of convergent validity with pharmacy claims. Volume 18 of Issue 1. BMC health services research 2018. PMID: 29625571
Ratanawongsa N, Matta GY, Bohsali FB, Chisolm MS. Reducing Misses and Near Misses Related to Multitasking on the Electronic Health Record: Observational Study and Qualitative Analysis. JMIR human factors 2018. PMID: 29410388
Neda Ratanawongsa, Angelica Cardenas, Bruce Occeña, Jeff Critchfield, Mary Mercer, Kara Myers. Certified Medical Interpreters’ Perspectives on Relationship-Centered Communication in Safety-Net Care. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2018. PMID:
Lowry C, Orr K, Embry B, Nguyen M, Petersen A, James C, Seidel K, Ratanawongsa N. Primary care scribes: writing a new story for safety net clinics. BMJ open quality 2017. PMID: 29435506
Sadasivaiah S, Smith DE, Goldman S, Ratanawongsa N. Improving best possible medication history with vulnerable patients at an urban safety net academic hospital using pharmacy technicians. BMJ open quality 2017. PMID: 29450283
Ratanawongsa N, Matta GY, Lyles CR, Koenig CJ, Barton JL, Yu K, Schillinger D. Multitasking and Silent Electronic Health Record Use in Ambulatory Visits. Volume 177 of Issue 9. JAMA internal medicine 2017. PMID: 28672379
Handley MA, Quan J, Chao MT, Ratanawongsa N, Sarkar U, Emmons-Bell S, Schillinger D. Use of Complementary Health Approaches Among Diverse Primary Care Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Association with Cardiometabolic Outcomes: From the SF Bay Collaborative Research Network (SF Bay CRN). Volume 30 of Issue 5. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine : JABFM 2017. PMID: 28923815
Tieu L, Schillinger D, Sarkar U, Hoskote M, Hahn KJ, Ratanawongsa N, Ralston JD, Lyles CR. Online patient websites for electronic health record access among vulnerable populations: portals to nowhere? Volume 24 of Issue e1. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2017. PMID: 27402138
Lyles CR, Ratanawongsa N, Bolen SD, Samal L. mHealth and Health Information Technology Tools for Diverse Patients with Diabetes. Journal of diabetes research 2017. PMID: 28326330
Schillinger D, McNamara D, Crossley S, Lyles C, Moffet HH, Sarkar U, Duran N, Allen J, Liu J, Oryn D, Ratanawongsa N, Karter AJ. The Next Frontier in Communication and the ECLIPPSE Study: Bridging the Linguistic Divide in Secure Messaging. Volume 2017. 2017. PMID: 28265579
Ratanawongsa N, Chan LL, Fouts MM, Murphy EJ. The Challenges of Electronic Health Records and Diabetes Electronic Prescribing: Implications for Safety Net Care for Diverse Populations. Journal of diabetes research 2017. PMID: 28197420
Ratanawongsa N, Barton JL, Lyles CR, Wu M, Yelin EH, Martinez D, Schillinger D. Computer use, language, and literacy in safety net clinic communication. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2016. PMID: 27274017
Ratanawongsa N, Barton JL, Lyles CR, Wu M, Yelin EH, Martinez D, Schillinger D. Association Between Clinician Computer Use and Communication With Patients in Safety-Net Clinics. JAMA internal medicine 2016. PMID: 26619393
Ratanawongsa N. Capsule Commentary on Dzeng et al., Moral Distress Amongst American Physician Trainees Regarding Futile Treatments at the End of Life: a Qualitative Inquiry. Journal of general internal medicine 2016. PMID: 26519283
Tieu L, Sarkar U, Schillinger D, Ralston JD, Ratanawongsa N, Pasick R, Lyles CR. Barriers and Facilitators to Online Portal Use Among Patients and Caregivers in a Safety Net Health Care System: A Qualitative Study. Volume 17 of Issue 12. Journal of medical Internet research 2015. PMID: 26681155
Ratanawongsa N, Karter AJ, Quan J, Parker MM, Handley M, Sarkar U, Schmittdiel JA, Schillinger D. Reach and Validity of an Objective Medication Adherence Measure Among Safety Net Health Plan Members with Diabetes: A Cross-Sectional Study. Volume 21 of Issue 8. 2015. PMID: 26233541
Chao MT, Handley MA, Quan J, Sarkar U, Ratanawongsa N, Schillinger D. Disclosure of complementary health approaches among low income and racially diverse safety net patients with diabetes. Patient education and counseling 2015. PMID: 26146238
Quan J, Lee AK, Handley MA, Ratanawongsa N, Sarkar U, Tseng S, Schillinger D. Automated Telephone Self-Management Support for Diabetes in a Low-Income Health Plan: A Health Care Utilization and Cost Analysis. Volume 18 of Issue 6. Population health management 2015. PMID: 26102298
Soraya Azari, Neda Ratanawongsa, Jennifer Hettema, Caroline Cangelosi, Matt Tierney, Diana Coffa, Brad Shapiro, Sharad Jain, David Hersh, Jennifer Manuel, Daniel Ciccarone, Paula Lum. A Skills-Based Curriculum for Teaching Motivational Interviewing-Enhanced Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) to Medical Residents. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2015. PMID:
Gupta S, Brenner AT, Ratanawongsa N, Inadomi JM. Patient trust in physician influences colorectal cancer screening in low-income patients. American journal of preventive medicine 2014. PMID: 25084682
Maria T. Chao, Margaret Handley, Judy Quan, Urmimala Sarkar, Neda Ratanawongsa, Dean Schillinger. Disclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Diverse Safety Net Patients with Diabetes. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2014. PMID:
Ratanawongsa N, Handley MA, Sarkar U, Quan J, Pfeifer K, Soria C, Schillinger D. Diabetes health information technology innovation to improve quality of life for health plan members in urban safety net. Volume 37 of Issue 2. The Journal of ambulatory care management 2014. PMID: 24594561
Ratanawongsa N, Barton JL, Schillinger D, Yelin EH, Hettema JE, Lum PJ. Ethnically diverse patients' perceptions of clinician computer use in a safety-net clinic. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2013. PMID: 24185151
Beach MC, Roter D, Korthuis PT, Epstein RM, Sharp V, Ratanawongsa N, Cohn J, Eggly S, Sankar A, Moore RD, Saha S. A multicenter study of physician mindfulness and health care quality. Annals of family medicine 2013. PMID: 24019273
Lyles CR, Schillinger D, Lopez A, Handley M, Ratanawongsa N, Sarkar U. Safety events during an automated telephone self-management support intervention. Volume 7 of Issue 3. 2013. PMID: 23759391
Ratanawongsa N, Karter AJ, Parker MM, Lyles CR, Heisler M, Moffet HH, Adler N, Warton EM, Schillinger D. Communication and medication refill adherence: the Diabetes Study of Northern California. JAMA internal medicine 2013. PMID: 23277199
Ratanawongsa N, Korthuis PT, Saha S, Roter D, Moore RD, Sharp VL, Beach MC. Clinician stress and patient-clinician communication in HIV care. Journal of general internal medicine 2012. PMID: 22821571
Hilton JF, Barkoff L, Chang O, Halperin L, Ratanawongsa N, Sarkar U, Leykin Y, Muñoz RF, Thom DH, Kahn JS. A cross-sectional study of barriers to personal health record use among patients attending a safety-net clinic. Volume 7 of Issue 2. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22363761
Ratanawongsa N, Handley MA, Quan J, Sarkar U, Pfeifer K, Soria C, Schillinger D. Quasi-experimental trial of diabetes Self-Management Automated and Real-Time Telephonic Support (SMARTSteps) in a Medicaid managed care plan: study protocol. Volume 12. BMC health services research 2012. PMID: 22280514
Ratanawongsa N, Crosson JC, Schillinger D, Karter AJ, Saha CK, Marrero DG. Getting under the skin of clinical inertia in insulin initiation: the Translating Research Into Action for Diabetes (TRIAD) Insulin Starts Project. The Diabetes educator 2012. PMID: 22222513
López A, Detz A, Ratanawongsa N, Sarkar U. What patients say about their doctors online: a qualitative content analysis. Volume 27 of Issue 6. Journal of general internal medicine 2012. PMID: 22215270
Hettema JE, Ratanawongsa N, Manuel JK, Ciccarone D, Coffa D, Jain S, Lum PJ. A SBIRT curriculum for medical residents: development of a performance feedback tool to build learner confidence. Substance abuse 2012. PMID: 22738001
Ratanawongsa N, Bhandari VK, Handley M, Rundall T, Hammer H, Schillinger D. Primary care provider perceptions of the effectiveness of two self-management support programs for vulnerable patients with diabetes. Journal of diabetes science and technology 2012. PMID: 22401329
Laura Hanyok, Lynsey Brandt, Colleen Christmas, David Hellmann, Cynthia Rand, Neda Ratanawongsa, Janet Record, Roy Ziegelstein. The Johns Hopkins Aliki Initiative: A Patient-centered Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2012. PMID:
Ratanawongsa N, Federowicz MA, Christmas C, Hanyok LA, Record JD, Hellmann DB, Ziegelstein RC, Rand CS. Effects of a focused patient-centered care curriculum on the experiences of internal medicine residents and their patients. Journal of general internal medicine 2011. PMID: 21948228
Jennifer T. Chang, Alicia Fernandez, Jennifer P. Thomas, Neda Ratanawongsa, Roxana Munoz, Yunghui Lin, Chim Lau, Hal F. Yee, John M. Inadomi. Adherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Low-Income Patients – Does Patient-Provider Language Concordance Matter?. 2015 Year Book of Pediatrics. Ed. Cabana MD. (Elsevier; Philadelphia, PA) 2011. PMID:
Haywood C, Lanzkron S, Hughes MT, Brown R, Massa M, Ratanawongsa N, Beach MC. A video-intervention to improve clinician attitudes toward patients with sickle cell disease: the results of a randomized experiment. Journal of general internal medicine 2010. PMID: 21181560
Lattimer L, Haywood C, Lanzkron S, Ratanawongsa N, Bediako SM, Beach MC. Problematic hospital experiences among adult patients with sickle cell disease. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2010. PMID: 21099065
Ratanawongsa N, Wright SM, Vargo EM, Carrese JA. Challenges in primary care relationships: seeing it from both sides. Patient education and counseling 2010. PMID: 20828976
Bediako SM, Lattimer L, Haywood C, Ratanawongsa N, Lanzkron S, Beach MC. Religious coping and hospital admissions among adults with sickle cell disease. Journal of behavioral medicine 2010. PMID: 20812027
Ratanawongsa N, Zikmund-Fisher BJ, Couper MP, Van Hoewyk J, Powe NR. Race, ethnicity, and shared decision making for hyperlipidemia and hypertension treatment: the DECISIONS survey. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making 2010. PMID: 20881155
Haywood C, Lanzkron S, Ratanawongsa N, Bediako SM, Lattimer-Nelson L, Beach MC. Hospital self-discharge among adults with sickle-cell disease (SCD): associations with trust and interpersonal experiences with care. Journal of hospital medicine 2010. PMID: 20533577
Haywood C, Lanzkron S, Ratanawongsa N, Bediako SM, Lattimer L, Powe NR, Beach MC. The association of provider communication with trust among adults with sickle cell disease. Journal of general internal medicine 2010. PMID: 20195785
Gozu A, Nidiry MA, Ratanawongsa N, Carrese JA, Wright SM. Patient factors associated with following a relocated primary care provider among older adults. The American journal of managed care 2009. PMID: 19298101
Ratanawongsa N, Haywood C, Bediako SM, Lattimer L, Lanzkron S, Hill PM, Powe NR, Beach MC. Health care provider attitudes toward patients with acute vaso-occlusive crisis due to sickle cell disease: development of a scale. Patient education and counseling 2009. PMID: 19233587
Ratanawongsa N, Rand CS, Magill CF, Hayashi J, Brandt L, Christmas C, Record JD, Howell EE, Federowicz MA, Hellmann DB, Ziegelstein RC. Teaching residents to know their patients as individuals. The Aliki Initiative at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 2009. PMID: 19722298
Windish DM, Ratanawongsa N. Providers' perceptions of relationships and professional roles when caring for patients who leave the hospital against medical advice. Journal of general internal medicine 2008. PMID: 18648890
Ratanawongsa N, Roter D, Beach MC, Laird SL, Larson SM, Carson KA, Cooper LA. Physician burnout and patient-physician communication during primary care encounters. Journal of general internal medicine 2008. PMID: 18618195
Ratanawongsa N, Wright SM, Carrese JA. Well-being in residency: effects on relationships with patients, interactions with colleagues, performance, and motivation. Patient education and counseling 2008. PMID: 18541401
Ratanawongsa N, Thomas PA, Marinopoulos SS, Dorman T, Wilson LM, Ashar BH, Magaziner JL, Miller RG, Prokopowicz GP, Qayyum R, Bass EB. The reported validity and reliability of methods for evaluating continuing medical education: a systematic review. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2008. PMID: 18316877
Ratanawongsa N, Wright SM, Carrese JA. Well-being in residency: a time for temporary imbalance? Medical education 2007. PMID: 17316212
Marinopoulos SS, Dorman T, Ratanawongsa N, Wilson LM, Ashar BH, Magaziner JL, Miller RG, Thomas PA, Prokopowicz GP, Qayyum R, Bass EB. Effectiveness of continuing medical education. Evidence report/technology assessment 2007. PMID: 17764217
Ratanawongsa N, Bolen S, Howell EE, Kern DE, Sisson SD, Larriviere D. Residents' perceptions of professionalism in training and practice: barriers, promoters, and duty hour requirements. Journal of general internal medicine 2006. PMID: 16808778
Ratanawongsa N, Wright SM, Levine RB. Association between higher mental well-being and residents' capacity for empathy. Journal of general internal medicine 2006. PMID: 16686827
Ratanawongsa N, Howell EE, Wright SM. What motivates physicians throughout their careers in medicine? Comprehensive therapy 2006. PMID: 17918306
Ratanawongsa N, Kern DE, Barker LR. Promoting humanistic care in the house staff continuity clinic. Medical education 2005. PMID: 16262841
Ratanawongsa N, Teherani A, Hauer KE. Third-year medical students' experiences with dying patients during the internal medicine clerkship: a qualitative study of the informal curriculum. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges 2005. PMID: 15980080