General Internal Medicine ZSFG

Eleanor Bimla Schwarz, MD
Dr Wagahta Semere awarded a 3-year NIH KL2 Research career development grant
A note from her mentor, Dr. Dean Schillinger:
Dr Wagahta Semere was just awarded a 3-year NIH KL2 Research career development grant that beautifully brings together her interests and commitments to caregiving, vulnerable populations, chronic disease and health communication.
This support is a natural extension of her success as an RWJ Clinical Scholar while at Yale, a UCSF Watson Diversity Scholar, and a prior CADC grant awardee.
“Certainly, the Messaging Was Botched”: How the Trump Administration Screwed Up on Masks
Dr. Dean Schillinger discusses the key components of effective health communication in an interview with Mother Jones. Learn how our administration and state health authorities could have improved communication surrounding masks and Covid-19 response.

Triveni Defries, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor

Elaine Khoong, MD, MS
Associate Professor

Christine Soran, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor

Joan Addington-White, MD
Anne Rosenthal, MD

Urmimala Sarkar, MD, MPH

Margot Kushel, MD